Booker T. Washington was the first African American to appear on a coin.


Welcome to
What Am I? A Game of Numismatic Words
Present by the Raleigh Coin Club

There are currently 10 words preloaded to guess from!

To start the game click on the "START" button in the main game area.

Each turn starts with a group of empty boxes that represent the letters in a randomly generated numismatic word.

Three clues to the word will be presented one at a time. Followed by each letter of the word being filled in one at a time.

As soon as you know the word, type it in the "ANSWER" box and click the "SUBMIT" button.

If your "ANSWER" is correct the "CORRECT" count on the scoreboard will increment up by one and the "WORDS LEFT" will decrement down by one.

If your "ANSWER" is not correct the "INCORRECT" count on the scoreboard will increment up by one, the "WORDS LEFT" will not change and if you continue to play you will see the word again.

Time runs out after the last letter of the word appears, the game will automatically end and the "INCORRECT" count on the scoreboard will increment up by one.

To continue to play the game again click on the "PLAY AGAIN?" button.

The "PLAY AGAIN?" button randomly generates the next numismatic word and refreshs the game screen. If there are no words left it functions as a "RESET" button.

A "RESET" button appears in the upper left corner. It stops the game, places all the numismatic words back in play, choose a "new" randomly generated numismatic word and refreshs the game screen.

To close this window click on "HELP" again.

Good luck and have fun!

   What Am I?   





Let's Play A Game!





Definition Panel